
Xinjiang Victim Database

The Xinjiang Victim Database website documents through reports, lists, and maps, the mass incarceration of ethnic minority citizens s – most notably, the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Hui – of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in de facto concentrations camps and police custody as well as other forms of repression such as movement restriction and Xinjiang Victim Database

Women 我們

This Substack channel, mostly in (simplified) Chinese, features articles and stories about contemporary history, political and social issues in China, and discusses topics such as feminism, environmental issues and human rights. It promotes a censor-free China.


Wenku (Bibliothèque) is a Chinese-language website that aims at preserving Hong Kong’s memory and history. It records Hong Kong’s two major democratic media, Apple Daily and Stand News.

Tibet Express

Tibet Express (or Bangchen in Tibetan) is a news platform available in Tibetan and English that provides news and updates on various issues related to Tibet. It covers topics such as politics, human rights, culture, environment, and social developments affecting Tibet and Tibetan communities worldwide.

Southern Weekly

Southern Weekly, founded in 1984, is also part of the Nanfang Media Group and was before Xi’s era one of China’s most liberal and outspoken media outlets, known for publishing investigations exposing government wrongdoing and annual editorials advocating for constitutional reform despite censorship and government pressure.

Southern Metropolis Daily

Southern Metropolis Daily, created in 1997, is part of the Nanfang Media Group and is known as one of the few independent, critical newspapers remaining in operation in China. Thanks to its many investigative reports on political and social issues, it has won multiple awards such as the World Press Freedom Prize in 2005.