YouTube channel


This Youtube channel is ran by Chinese citizen-journalist Lu Yuyu, who posts recordings and updates of protests in China.

Unknown Little Thunder

This YouTube channel in Chinese is from an American woman discussing current affairs on China, US-China relations and American culture. They support “the liberation of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet.”

Stephen Shiu – commentary

This news platform was created by a former Hong Kong journalist and explores current events related to Hong Kong politics and social issues, and world affairs.

Simon’s Glos World

Simon’s Glos World Facebook page and its YouTube channel are run by Simon Shen (沈旭暉), a Hongkonger living in Taiwan who provides commentary and analysis with a global perspective on international relations, social issues, art and culture, lifestyle and travels. His platforms is aiming at the Hong Kong local audience and diaspora.

Sam Ng Chi-sum

Sam Chi-sum Ng is the former producer of “Hong Kong Connection” (《鏗鏘集》) that hosted the “Green Bean” channel (《綠豆》). On his YouTube channel, Sam Ng gives commentary and analysis in Cantonese about Hong Kong current affairs, politics and social issues. This channel aims at the Hong Kong diaspora.

Europe 13h

ICCICA is a platform focusing in Chinese, English and Czech that promotes cultural exchange and a better understanding between China and international communities through resources, events and initiatives. Here is their YouTube channel.